Eliot Kelly

The magical power of belief

“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.” – Dave Schwartz

Nobody knew who Elon Musk was before he started making millions. The world came to know him once he began winning. For example, did you know that PayPal, one of Elon Musk’s most successful companies, was voted as the worst business concept of the year?

If your motivation and belief in yourself is shaken, then this article is for you. Have you ever thought about the way a magnet works? To someone who does not understand the science, a magnet’s power to attract things to it appears almost magical. Just like a magnet, belief in our deepest goals and acting because of those beliefs, can attract our goals into our lives.

Dorothea Brande was a well-respected writer and editor in New York. In her book Wake Up And Live, published in 1936, Brande came across a formula that revolutionised her life. According to Brande, “It was so simple, and so obvious once she had seen it, she could hardly believe it was responsible for the magical results which followed her putting it into practice.” It is act as if it were impossible to fail, which transformed her life. A writer by trade, as mentioned earlier, Brande’s output soars after her Eureka moment. There are five key take-aways from Brande’s book that can help us to develop and increase our belief in ourselves:

Know Thyself

How well do you know yourself? Who are you? I am not talking here about what you do. I get that all the time on flights from the passenger in the seat adjacent to me. I am not asking about what you do or where you live. Who are you as a person, deep down? If you know yourself, you will know what you are good at and what motivates you at your core. As a result, you will have no doubt about your ability to get things done. A self-confident person is a force to be reckoned with because he/she can hold their own. If you know yourself you will know your strengths and weaknesses and armed with this knowledge and awareness, you can play to your strengths while developing and managing support systems for weaknesses.

Act as if it is impossible to fail

Ready, fire, aim. Take immediate action. Develop a bias for action. Successful people realise that it is the rare occasion that all the information needed to make a totally risk-free decision is available. Get in the habit of decisively and quickly taking action. Learn those actions and be ready to course correct as problems arise. One of my favourite things to do is shopping.

Years of experience has taught me that if I see something on a store rack that I like, to grab it quickly and place it in the cart or over my shoulder as I continue to browse. Sometimes at the cash register I may decide to put an item down, but I never just leave it at the changing room, return tray or on its original stand. I have been burned before and as you have probably experienced — shopping can be competitive. Back in the day I would browse and then commit to my selections after perusing. Not anymore. In the ‘game’ of high street shopping, the rules are, ‘take it or somebody else will. This just seems to be the rule of life.

I want you to try this for fun. The next time you are out, when the world is opened, make an intentional, hurried walk through a large crowd, and observe that everyone will move out of your way. Please do not hurt anybody or yourself, but I think it is important to feel that the world makes way for the person who knows where he/she is going. Instead of getting trapped in analysis paralysis, successful people, ‘do something, even if it is wrong.’ The quickest and best way to learn how to do something right is to do it wrong. So, act like it is impossible to fail.

The path to heaven is heaven

Successful people see work as an essential part of their lives. They do not ever envision a time when they would leave it behind. Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, view work as a means to an end. How many people do you know who literally live for the weekend? On a typical Friday, you can hear these individuals making comments like, ‘TGIF’ and ‘It’s the weekend baby!’ Successful individuals understand the importance of a strong work ethic, and ironically, they enjoy down time just as much, if not even more than the unsuccessful. By committing to your goal unapologetically you naturally do whatever it takes to achieve success ethically. Examples of a commitment to the path of strong work ethic could include early starts, late finishes, sacrifices and re-prioritisation etc. Saying no to agenda items outside of your path becomes second nature. One central focus of staying on the path should always be good health. Health is wealth. Enjoy the process and have fun as you believe in yourself and follow your dreams. If you ask Warren Buffett if he loves his job, he will tell you that he ‘tap dances to work’ every morning. If you keep your goals before you and embrace the process, you can too.

Success is subjective

No one can dictate another person’s definition for success. On our YouTube channel Eliot Kelly TV, we ask our guest what success means to them. Each one of the experts, authors, CEOs, and celebrities we ask all give a different answer. Success may or may not include recognition from your peers and greater financial rewards. Someone who is living responsibly, usefully, effectively, happily and taking advantage of opportunities and natural gifts is a success.

The next big thing is a little thing

Big belief is developed by believing in yourself for the ‘small things.’ When you utilise your belief, it is like lifting weights in a gym. Practice makes perfect. Begin today to practice your belief by using it habitually.

You deserve to live a more purposeful life. Ask yourself, “What would I be doing if it were impossible for me to fail?”


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