Eliot Kelly

Getting things done through the law of attraction

The journey of a lifestyle entrepreneur is a source of deep joy and purpose. Reflecting on the last seven years of being in business, I realised that it has been essential to success in every vertical of my life. Growing and contributing is, I feel, the very essence of a successful life.

Sometimes we set outrageous goals and forget about them, only to realise later that we did indeed achieve them.

Has this ever happened to you?

One popular case of this happening is with famous talk show host Oprah Winfrey. Winfrey read a book called The Color Purple, and immediately recognised herself as destined to portray one of its characters in a big Hollywood movie, which turned out to be The Color Purple.

However, as she did not hear back for months and months, she was eventually ready to let go of the idea. Right then, she received the call from Steven Spielberg. For Oprah, that was 1984, for me, I experienced a similar law of attraction experience over the past several years.

When I was in my mid-twenties, I went through a quarter-life crisis. My Mom was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. I was working then, in the hospitality industry in a five-star hotel in The Bahamas, earning ‘good’ money. While that seemed okay from the outside, on the inside I was falling apart.

I was obese, depressed and anxious — it was clear that a traditional job did not suit my personality. But one day, one of my millionaire guest suggested that I read a book he had read, that had, according to him, dramatically changed him and his families’ lives. He said he had never met anyone like me and that I had the potential to be just as successful as he was or even more.

I read that book and through future stays at the hotel I served at, my millionaire guest became my millionaire mentor. During visits, my millionaire mentor introduced me to other printed and audio material by other Thought Leaders, people like Ghandi, Malcolm Gladwell, Alvin Toffler and Napoleon Hill.

Eventually, I also discovered this whole new generation of Thought Leaders online, people like Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, Robert Kiyosaki, Sharon Lechter and Seth Godin. I remember thinking, ‘I want everyone to know about these people,’ because when it comes to real transformation, whether it’s finding your purpose, starting that dream business or healing your health or relationships, people are not just looking for more information, they are looking for inspiration.

The success of Eliot Kelly TV, my four books and popular audio programmes has grown as a result of men and women who embrace change and who are ready to take action towards their passions. People need role models; people who embody a powerful message that can help change their lives. I wanted to be that person that helped amazing aspirants and entrepreneurs get their ideas out there in a much more global and profitable way.

Seven years later, I have been able to grow a huge team of talented professionals but also network and share the stories of some of the top industry experts in my field. Eliot Kelly TV’s slogan, ‘Never lose your passion,’ derives from an acknowledgement that each of us has desires and gifts and that when we pursue these desires and the development of these gifts unapologetically, the universe complies.

Personally, I have been able to manage my weight through an amazing transformative process of discipline and determination from 245lbs to 180lbs. A loss of roughly 60lbs of fat, but more importantly a gain of self-love, courage and purpose.

The name of the first book my millionaire mentor gave me was written by Paulo Coelho — The Alchemist. I truly believe that each of us has a personal legend and that we should learn to listen to our hearts, learn to read the signs along life’s path and above all follow our dreams.

My Mom died of Cancer in 2013 and if she were alive, would have experienced her 67th birthday. May her soul rest in peace — Her death represented a transition for me, a sort of re-birth — a fresh start to make life and those I now serve more valuable.

Life is filled with uncertainty, especially at times like this. While many things remain outside your control, your mindset is key to coping with difficult circumstances and facing the unknown.

This article is for those of us who do not have ‘everything going right’ for us or ‘have it all together.’ There will not be any touch-feely motivational quote, unemotional non-stop affirmations, collection baskets or 24hr shut-ins and you won’t have to man the gates or walk on fire. There are healthier ways to cope with uncertainty:

  • Focus on controlling those things that are under your control
  • Challenge your need for certainty
  • Learn to embrace, the inevitable uncertainty of life
  • Explore ways to reduce your anxiety and stress levels

Everyone wants to be great at something. No one dreams of being average. Discovering your ‘something’ requires attracting the ‘something’ we desire. If you never start, you will never finish.

Most people never become great because they never start. You are different. Begin.

When the world seems to be conspiring against us and nothing works out right, Napoleon Hill suggests we pause for a few moments to think the situation through — then develop the most appropriate plan of action, the one that has the greatest likelihood of success.

Eliot Kelly is recognised as a Serial Entrepreneur, and has been featured on CNN, BBC Three’s Be Your Own Boss and an extensive lists of magazines and articles. His four books and popular audio programmes have been translated in over 7 languages and are sold in 29 countries, recently being shortlisted for Best Self-Help and Best Advice Books 2019 by The Author Academy. He is regarded as a top Sales, Business and Leadership Management Coach who creates opportunities for his success partner’s through financial literacy and life skills training. He is also a Professional Speaker and continues to inspire present and future entrepreneurs around the world.





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