Ahead Of The Storm
What does it mean to be proactive?
According to Merriam-Webster, it means, “acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes.”
Sounds like a good idea, right? The problem is, our world is becoming increasingly reactive, not proactive. According to Merriam-Webster, a reactive person is someone who is, “readily responsive to a stimulus.”
Being proactive is dealing with a potential future event before it becomes a reality. That makes sense. On almost all projects, even those properly managed, we need to deal with obstacles, challenging moments, unsatisfied users, technical problems or fewer resources for execution.
So it is important that we avoid surprises that can increase pressure and uncertainty: factors that can lead us to a mediocre or poor performance. It is more cost-effective to deal with a potential risk than to attempt survival when a serious issue arises. Dealing with a future event is more effective than the cost associated with an issue that impacts the project.
It should be any entrepreneurs’ goal to achieve excellent performance even in the most challenging environment. It is there when you can differentiate between mediocrity and success.
If we choose to be reactive to what can happen in our business or personal lives, then we reduce the chance to be successful.
Issues and risks can arise and will arise and we will not be prepared unless we decide to be proactive.
No one else is going to get you where you want to go – it is up to you. Your family and friends are a support system, but that is all they are supposed to be for you. They cannot succeed for you. Only you can do that. Take ownership of your problems, and realize that nobody else is going to solve them for you.